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Dec 04, 2021

Okay here is something else that might be useful in case a Texas thing happens in your state in the winter. We are saving food and water but we need to keep warm. EMERGENCY HEAT and Light for 72 DAYS | Crisco candles | SHTF - YouTube


Dec 04, 2021

Hi my people. I just saw this homemade recipe for the medicine that the African Doctor said healed lollipop signs. I just wanted to share it with you. Home Recipe For Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) , cool down the liquid with LID on - YouTube

Dec 04, 2021
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Let me add that she is an Asian woman and since it started there, she may know what she is talking about. The African Doctor that I am talking about is a female doctor has a clinic in Texas somewhere. They were making fun of her even though she had cured many people of the you know what because she caught it early.


Dec 03, 2021

Today on my job, my co-workers and supervisors were discussing how they were feeling after their second and third shots. Hebrews and others. They were talking about how their children now had fever after getting their lollipop shots. I felt so sad to hear the deception so deep with not only gentiles, but our Hebrew brothers and sisters as well. Most of them are into yoga, and just witchcraft, including the supervisor(s). They were saying that they don't know why these anti vaxxers are protesting the lollipop. The Most High did not allow me to say one word. Not one.

It is like watching a horror movie, knowing that the characters are going to die, but unable to help them…

Dec 03, 2021
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OMG, right out of my mouth😩I cry every time this realization hits me. It hurts deeply like it does for all of us. The young have no time to mature, grow in their spirit to know how serious sin is. If Yah had taken me back in the day, I surely would have been going to hell! He gave me time! Thank you, thank you, thank you! HalleluYah! JESUS SAVES!

aka: Jeshuah

I pray for their healing, or conversion since they have no time! Yah help us all!!❤️🙏🏽


Nov 12, 2021

Rememher the 1st exodus. When our people left, there was none feeble: weak from sickness. Father Yah will heal His people: the apple of His eye if they’re His, He will make us whole again.

Linda Burnett
Linda Burnett
Nov 12, 2021
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I wake up every day believing it will be our last day here and we are going home. I don't know why but I have a strong feeling in my spirit we don't have long here - I told a friend last week this too and the feeling is getting stronger. But of course we don't know The Most High's time.


Nov 12, 2021

The US is always trying to bully other countries. They got the right one this time. Let them the US keep it up and Putin is gonna put it on them as in total defeat!.. The US needs to stay out of other countries bussiness! They are trouble makers! They sow strife and destabilization wherever they go!

Dec 04, 2021
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henripontes, you know I never agree with the Pope, but he was right this one time when he called this "a rogue nation."


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