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The 2nd Exodus - PART 1

The day of freedom and reparations arrived like a long-awaited sunrise. YahYa, along with millions of other descendants of the Atlantic slave trade, rejoiced as they received their due payments from the United Nations. Gold, silver, cattle, and other riches were distributed among the people, offering a glimmer of hope and a sense of justice after centuries of oppression and injustice.

As the people began to make their way back to the continent of Africa, a sense of excitement and anticipation filled the air. They knew that their return marked a new beginning, a chance to reclaim their heritage and rebuild their communities.

Upon arriving in Africa, YahYa and the others were greeted with open arms by their fellow Africans. Together, they set about the task of rebuilding their nations and establishing a new order, one founded on fairness, equality, and respect for all.

Under the leadership of the African Union, the continent began to thrive. With the knowledge and skills gained from their years of captivity in the Western nations, the Africans set about modernizing and industrializing their nations. They developed cutting-edge technologies and built strong, vibrant economies.

As Africa's power and influence grew, other nations took notice. China, once a dominant world player, was forced to align its policies with those of the African Union in order to maintain its position. Meanwhile, the fallen Western European powers scrambled to try and gain a foothold on the continent, but their efforts were met with suspicion and mistrust by the Africans, who had no desire to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Despite the challenges they faced, YahYa and the other leaders of Africa remained steadfast in their determination to build a better future for their people. And as the years passed, their efforts paid off. Africa became a world super power, admired and envied by all.

As YahYa sat on the balcony of his grand mansion, gazing out at the cityscape before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had lived to see the day when his people, once slaves, had risen to the top of the world. And with the help of his friend Chihimbori, who had worked tirelessly to promote a positive image of black people around the world, YahYa knew that Africa's place at the top was secure for centuries to come.

After the arrival of the African diaspora and their reparations from the United Nations, the world seemed to be moving forward in a more positive direction. But as time passed, a disturbing trend began to emerge. Slavery, once thought to be a thing of the past, began to rear its ugly head once again.

This time, however, it was the Western nations that found themselves being enslaved. China and other Asian nations, seeking repayment for the lost revenue they had invested in the West during the tumultuous years of World War 3, began to round up large numbers of people from the struggling Western nations and transport them to Africa.

The Africans, still harboring a deep sense of resentment towards the Western nations for their history of enslavement, were initially hesitant to accept the new slaves. But as their debt to the Asian nations grew, they had little choice but to comply.

The slaves were put to work building up the infrastructure of Africa, just as the Africans had been forced to do in the Western nations centuries before. Some were treated well by their African masters, but others were not so fortunate. Those deemed to be "bad" slaves were sold to the Sabeans, a cruel and ruthless nation known for their harsh treatment of their slaves.

As the years passed, the prophecy of the ancients seemed to be coming true. The last had become first, and the first had become last. The Western nations, once the dominant powers of the world, were now struggling to survive under the yoke of slavery. And Africa, once a land of oppression and injustice, had risen to become a world leader, thanks in part to the labor of their new slaves.

But even as they prospered, the Africans could not forget the past. The memories of their own enslavement lingered, a constant reminder of the horrors that humanity was capable of inflicting upon one another. And so, with a heavy heart, they vowed to treat their own slaves with kindness and compassion, hoping to one day see a world where slavery was a thing of the past, once and for all.

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