These Gentiles usually do not care what we do or say but when we reclaim our heritage, they begin to move in fear. Why do they even care? They know what they have done and are still doing to us and they know that YAH is just!
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There we go THE BLACK HEBREW ISREALITES. No dummy there is one Jacob / Israel he had 12 sons. They are BLACK not yellow green or whatever. It's not Hebrewism. It's NOT a RELIGION as "other" religions like judeism. It's a way of life.Deal with it
Blessings family
Funny how those that claim to want to know about who we are wont go to the ource, they go to this weak devil to spread lies. They should fear, YAH is more than the whole world against us!
These Revelation bullies are the ones shooting up everywhere and killing, yet they are afraid when our people stand and tell the truth. They are ridiculous clowns who will soon be judged. The way these psychopathic beings project against our people is so disgusting. Tracking and vilifying a people while using our manner of speech. Looking like the dork that he is saying, "You know whut um sayin." He does not even feel relevant without using our words.
Hebrew Israelites: