The wording of this tweet by the @American Jewish Committee is deeply troubling. This tweet appears to be an open threat to the Israelites of African origin for simply sharing their First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech and Expression, protected under the Constitution of The United States of America. This Anti-Black, Anti-Semitic wording can easily stir hatred towards a specific ethnic group claiming their Hebrew Heritage and categorically fits under the definition of discrimination which can lead to Anti-Black violence, workplace discrimination, bullying, defamation, mental/psychological anguish, etc. We are fully aware of the historical hatred from members of the European Jewish community against the African Israelites dating back to The Transatlantic Slave Trade so we do not take lightly the open threats issued by the AJC to, "not allow the spread of and acceptance" of our Israelite origin. The American Jewish Committee must present an official apology and prepare to undergo education and sensitivity training for Israelite Heritage of Black Americans as well as other Afro-Asiatic Shemitic peoples throughout the Americas, the UK, Caribbean and Continent. If the American Jewish Committee fails to meet the demands of the African Israelites, a petition for their Organization to be labeled an Anti-Black Hate Group will be made. It is time to put an end to the open threats of Organizations and Businesses who discriminate against the African Israelite people.
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I stand in agreement.
Well said! As a former U.S Marine, Army Reserve soldier, as well as a retired law Enforcement officer, I and others like myself provided safety and security for everyone in this nation and nation's outside of this country. My services to this nation wasn't just for everyone else meaning just for the Caucasian people in this nation!! I did this also for myself, and my family, and all True Hebrews in this nation. This was my thinking before I was awaken. Now since they've openly threatened our people I will pray to our Father and Yashuah above to decimate our enemies, and that Father Yah completely destroy these people and all other nations, that support any agencies, government agencies and…