Ok, I will put on my conspiracy hat. Not that I ever take it off.
Here's the hidden meaning of the movie. I see things that may not be there. LOL!
The United Nations has taken over the world, and they all unite to fight the aliens that arrived to take over control of the earth. Some other alien race left them there. The aliens were difficult to kill, so they come up with a toxin to kill them. The aliens always rested on the 7th day, denoting the sabbath keepers.
Hidden Meaning:
At the end of the 400 year captivity, the Israleites awaken, wanting their inheritance back, but the United Nations and all of the world governments ban together to resist what they call the alien take over.
Like Exodus 1:10 : Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.
Notice the aliens multiplied a lot and were difficult to kill, so they dealt wisely with the Sabbath keepers aka Israelites.
Seeing we are at the end of the 400 years and about to exit Egypt aka America aka Babylon, Pharaoh tried to kill us.
15 Then the king of Egypt told the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth, look at the child when you deliver it. If it’s a boy, kill it, but if it’s a girl, let it live.”
17 However, the midwives feared God and didn’t obey the king of Egypt’s orders. They let the boys live. 18 So the king of Egypt called for the midwives. He asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”
19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women. They are so healthy that they have their babies before a midwife arrives.
New Egypt:
In the new Egypt aka America they tried to deal wisely with us. They created a toxin called a COVID Vaccine, just like they did the aliens in the space ship. The plan was to exterminate all of the Sabbath keepers with the toxin aka vaccine, and now the world would finally have their happy ending, so they think.

Remember Malcolm told us they love to tell what they are going to d.Now they use movies and call it “predictive programming.
I also noticed the connection to the awakening when they figured out that the ship crash was not a recent event. The “monsters“ where in a state of hibernation until the conditions where right to emerge. They even made the statement in the movie that “they were always here”.
I also noticed in the movie regarding the dwindling human population of the future was at 500,000. This is the desirable population level the elitist want to control the earth mentioned on the Georgia guide stones.
100% agree. They begin with the deployment team falling from the sky like falling angels, the few scenes after show a demonic snow man, Chris Pratt’s daughter Muri has a stuffed snake in the bed with her. I wish I could say this was a conspiracy but it’s reality blatantly shown in our faces, the untrained eye wouldn’t even acknowledge the biblical events that movie attempted to portray.
I agree with your theory brother Minister. I felt something similar but couldn't make the connection until I read your post. I initially saw the one world government aspect, I saw the armies of the world untiring, I saw information relative to the vaccine and the the atitdote but I didn't make the whole connection until now!!! Shalom Brother Minister!
I have to see this movie soon. Thanks for the interpretation break down.
I have seen the film. It is predictive programming, with the Hegalian dialetic mixed in. The interesting part are the writers and producers of the film check out their names.
Very interesting and, most enlightening..this thought also has to me a bit of truth to it as well.
I think you're on to something there! It all fits!