Shalom brothers and sisters. I've had quite a few dreams over the past 2 years. I find comfort in hearing about what others are dreaming. @Linda Burnett I have had 2 dreams with the large whitish-gray disk shaped objects also. Thank you for sharing! My most recent vivid dream was on 11/6/2022 of a tsunami hitting the golden gate bridge and engulfing San Francisco. I thought that it might be helpful for us to start chronicling our dreams into one document that we could continue to add to over time. If anyone would like to add their dreams and maybe help make sense of them together please email I will combine them and post the document here for all to view and comment. I look forward to sharing!
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Hey family, I had a couple of dreams that I had in the past few weeks that I wanted to share. Also if anyone else is dreaming please share:)
Dreamed 12/24/2022 (1 dream and 1 vision)
My children and I were on vacation and I ran into an older Hebrew lady and her daughter in the gift shop. We were having a great conversation and laughing. We walked off and I realized that I wanted to say one more thing to that lady. I was walking in a food court area and a young blonde girl was sitting down with a tank top that had a vertical slit in the back. I tapped her on the shoulder and said "do you mind"? She said "no" and pulled her hair to the side. Then a TV screen showed up on her back. I began talking to the Hebrew lady from the gift shop through the screen on her back.
Later that same night I saw a huge black dragon with a long tail flying through the clouds very low. I guess that was a vision because it was no plot.
Dream 12/30/2022
I was in a room at my childhood home and a woman was trying to attack me. I fought back and ended up going outside to look for her. When I got outside in the back yard something black started to come through the dirt from underground. I kept looking and realized it was the face of a black horse. In the dream I thought "what a pretty black horse". I quickly realized the black horse wasn't so friendly. The whole body of the horse came from underground. Then all different types of animals started to come from underground and chase me. I was running towards the house and the ground itself lifted me up to the exact level of the balcony of the second floor. I made it in the house safely.
Dreamed 12-20-22 7am
I Dreamed some family members and I were at some family or friends house and we were walking around the house to the back yard where everyone was gathered.
As we turned the corner there was a extremely large hole in the ground where you could see the bottom of the house basement but the hole went further down to nowhere.
There was a rusted rail that everyone was standing behind watching us but no one gave a warning of the hole .
I was the only one in our group to almost fall in the hole I caught hold of the rusty rail and hung on to keep from falling in the bottomless, dark hole I am struggling to hold on and the people and my family are just watching me doing nothing to helps me.
All I could do was to continue struggling to hold on and call out to Father Yahuah and Adonai Yeshu'ah - That's when I got the strength to move to safe ground.
I remember telling the people that were there that was a dangerous place for that hole and something needed to be done so no one else could possibly fall in - they looked at me like I was invisible.
Linda J Burnett
Shabbat Shalom Family!
Dreams of Zion
Dream 4/7/2020
Dreamt of being at our old office building - first there was a mega blizzard that formed on a sunny and summer day it came up without warning with huge ice balls that were destroying the city and killing people in it's path. Then the mega blizzard turned into a mega tsunami, and we ran into our old office building for shelter but we looked through a window in the top of the roof and saw the tsunami (blue and white water) headed for us as we prayed for protection. The tsunami hit the office building with such a full force that the impact was devastating. But a whisper in my ear said "It Shall not come nigh thee." I felt a feeling of peace come over me and then I woke up and wrote my dream in my journal.
Late July 2021
We were at a college campus outside. It was a large crowd of black kids there. I saw Deion Sanders in the middle of the crowd. He was very angry about something. He yelled “Enough! Enough! I’m sick of this”! Then he started yelling something to the top of his lungs. It was “Baruch ____, ______, ______, ______). (The only word I recognized distinctly in the dream was Baruch). In the dream, I was saying I think he is speaking Hebrew. He kept yelling it and then he told all the young men around him to repeat it and they began shouting it all together. He was turning around in the circle. It was beautiful. I woke up from the dream and the next day I asked my brother and my dad if Deion was coaching because I had this weird vivid dream about him. I also looked it up and realized he was saying “Baruch Haba B’shem and I don’t know what the last word was… maybe Adonai or Yah or Yahweh. I don’t remember.
Morning of 3/19/2022. I dreamed I was asleep and woke up in my bedroom. The blinds were up a little off the ground and I saw an older white man who was lying face up on the ground. I went closer to the window and realized that he was dead. I got up quickly to check on my kids and it was a group of white guys with back packs on that were going from house to house taking people's stuff. I realized they had come in my house and the front door was open. Some of my things were on the front porch. I started yelling and grabbing my things taking them back in the house. They didn't try to stop me. They didn't hear or see me. Then I woke up.
I dreamed that I and several other Hebrews were sitting down on the grass in an open area. There were no buildings or anything around. I saw mostly grass and a little dirt. I had the sense that it was a few hundred people there all either sitting or kneeling down on the grass. Then I saw a dark-skinned man who either had an afro or had locs pulled back with some new growth. He was standing in front of all of us with a long tan colored robe and a brown belt tied around his waist. He spoke and sounded like a typical black man’s voice. He said, “Alright now, come on preachers”. Everyone was so full of reverential fear that we didn’t feel worthy to even look in his face. The preachers started getting up very reluctantly one by one and seemed scared. Then they began to walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek and then walk over to the area he had told them. I did not see anyone’s face, but I had the sense that I knew some people around me. I felt so, so much love from him and reverential fear for him. No one said a word. I did not want to leave his presence. Within the dream I had the sense that he was dealing with the preachers first and then he was going to deal with each of us. Then I woke up.
N. L.
I fell asleep and began dreaming. I saw an oversized crate with 9 oversized Christmas ornaments that were different colors (red, green, and yellow with fine gold trimmings), The ornaments were in a plastic crate just as regular ornaments come in a protective crate. It was just complete darkness around the crate with ornaments in it. The next thing I knew it was a violent earthquake. I woke up drenched in sweat with rapid heartbeat. I thought it had been a real earthquake for a moment and realized I had just been dreaming. I fell back asleep and the began dreaming again. It was a scene of a typical cookout. It was music playing and I could smell the barbeque. Everyone had their Styrofoam plates and were standing in line to get their food. The next thing I knew it was an earthquake that seemed more violent than the first one. I woke up with the same sweating and rapid heartbeat. I was scared at this point and tried to stay awake but fell back asleep and saw a scene with 2 black women kissing. One woman had long hair and the other had a short fade. Within the dream, I began realizing that Yahusha was making me aware that he was showing me some of what he was dealing with from the dream on the day before. He was not speaking words, but it was an awareness that was automatically in my spirit saying I told y’all to be set apart! He was getting more and more angry with each scenario in this dream. Then it was another scenario where a black, overweight man with a beard (looked kind of like Brian T. Henry) who was acting like a woman. He was saying “Yassssss” and “No shade, No shade”…and motioning his hands like he was snatching air. This made The Most High the angriest. Within the dream, I knew that he was so displeased with all but especially this. Then a loud organ played 2 notes and a Big Clock appeared with hash marks on it. The clocked ticked 3 times. The long hand showed 10 till the hour but I don’t recall where the short hand was. Then I woke up.
N. L.
Good Idea @nieboyd!!!